We have developed special programs that enable us to create individual therapy plans for our clients. We always take into account the latest findings from medicine, quantum physics and naturopathy.
The results of the NLS scan can be transferred to a
quantum entanglement generator. This enables us to provide
continuous treatment around the clock if the client so wishes. See also :
Einstein's “spooky remote effect”Our MFED frequency generator system, which is based on quantum entanglement theory, is designed to promote health and well-being. It uses the technology of Rife frequencies, which is based on the fact that every disease or pathology can be recognized and thus treated by certain frequencies.
The system generates specific frequencies and transmits them to the client's body. This is made possible by the quantum entanglement of information via DNA. The system offers a variety of frequency programs for various health concerns, such as detoxification, strengthening the immune system, pain relief, treatment of infections and much more.